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Doctors & Staff

Meet the experienced and friendly doctors and staff who make Family Vision Center of Sterling the leading provider of vision care products and services in Sterling.

Dr. ToddDr. Todd Wolfley, O.D.

Dr. Todd Wolfley, O.D. received his Bachelor of Science Degree from the University of Wyoming, and graduated from the Southern California College of Optometry receiving his Doctorate in 1988. Before moving to Sterling, his externship programs included working at the Los Angeles Veterans Hospital, the Santa Monica Center for the Partially Sighted, Norton Air Force Base, and the Indian Health Services Hospital at Acoma, New Mexico.

He is a member of the American Optometric Association, the Colorado Optometric Association, and Vision Source, America’s premier group of private optometry practices. He has been recognized by the International Association of Boards of Examiners in Optometry for treatment and management of ocular disease.

In addition to comprehensive eye care and the treatment and management of ocular disease, Dr. Wolfley also specializes in contact lenses, computer vision testing, cataract post-operative co-management, PRK and Lasik co-management, and the treatment of dry eye.

Away from the office, Dr. Wolfley volunteers with the Boy Scouts of America, the Sterling Lions Club, and he is active in his faith. A licensed private pilot, he enjoys general aviation and flies a single engine Piper. Dr Wolfley’s life is enriched by his beautiful wife Karen and their four children.


Office Administrator

Janette Morgan has been a part of the Family Visjeanetteion Center team since 1997.  She is knowledgeable in all areas of the office and works with patients and staff to provide the best possible service throughout the practice. She has enjoyed all the wonderful patients she has met through the years, and looks forward to continuing to help them with their vision needs.

Janette and her husband Tim are the parents of two children now living on the Front Range. She enjoys whitewater rafting, traveling and spending time with family and friends.

Insurance Clerk 

Brenna Lambrecht is one of the newest employees to our office, starting in August of 2016.  She is originally from the front range and moved to Sterling in 2012 to attend Northeastern Junior College.  She fell in love with our small town and has made Sterling her home.  Brenna came to us with an extensive background in customer service and banking.  Brenna enjoys to spend her free time at the gym, baking, watching movies and spending time with her boyfriend Bernardo.